Scooter’s Daring Escapade

Some reunion stories of lost pets span over days, months or even years.  This story is only one day long thanks to three ladies who were alert, responsive, and determined to reunite a dog they spotted wandering.

Normally Scooter the Chinese Crested and his fur sibling Lab hang together in their back yard in Cypress, Texas.  But recently, a small piece of fencing slipped and left an open area just large enough for Scooter to slip out of the yard and into an open field that his home backs up to.  Much like Alice falling into the rabbit hole, this little dog had no idea what adventurous escapade would follow on the other side of the fence.

By the time Scooter and Jack were called to come in, only Jack returned.   Despite efforts to locate him nearby, dad James could not find him.  As nighttime came there was little else to do until the light of day.

Meanwhile, just blocks away the day that Scooter disappeared, Kiersten, Katie and Allyson were enjoying time in Kiersten’s backyard when they notice something moving on the other side of the fence in the open space.  They were able to get in the car and travel a bit to see if they could locate where the little dog had gone.   It didn’t take long for them to spot him, and fortunately, their efforts to coax him over to them and place the lead (which these rescue saavy ladies had “at the ready”) around him to secure him worked!

While the girls are quite familiar with dogs and in fact rescues.   Actually Kiersten works for an animal shelter and Katie, having been involved with a number of stray dogs had actually purchased a microchip scanner so that no matter the day of the week or the hour of the day, she could scan a dog for their microchip.

Ruh Roh, I’m not in Kansas anymore … I mean not home.


Scooter “chilling” as the girls work hard to find his owners. Photos and video provided by Katie.

Luckily the dog had a microchip.  But when Katie called the company they told her the chip was not registered.  They were, however, able to track it back to a breeder in Oklahoma.  So she called the breeder and asked if he had any record for a dog that was purchased and lived in Texas.   The breeder informed her that his wife had passed away, and was the one mainly in charge of all of those records, but he did recall a name in fact of someone in Texas they had sold a puppy to.  Katie was more than excited to get the info and give the person a call.  

When she got in touch with the owner he said he did indeed have a Chinese Crested and lived in Texas.  But he was looking at his dog as they spoke!  Back to the drawing board for Katie.

In addition to the detective work on the microchip, the girls posted the found dog on lost dog fb pages including Lost Dogs of Texas, and they even reached out to a Chinese Crested rescue group in case they needed an option if all efforts to find the owner failed.

Meanwhile, Kiersten and Allyson decided that they would give the dog a bath and try to keep him happy and settled in for the night until they could determine next steps.

Scooter receiving much love and care from Kiersten and Allyson.


Low and behold the next day Katie got a call from the microchip company saying that the owner had called them and reported the dog as lost!  

It turns out that the dogs mom recalled that he had a microchip, so after digging up the papers James called the company to advise them that “Scooter” was missing!  

Jim connected with Kiersten (who lived down the street) and Katie and her sister Allyson who were keeping the dog overnight but lived a bit further away, and the reunion happened quickly!

Scooter back home with his fur sibling Jack.  Photo courtesy of Scooter’s dad.


A huge THANKS to Katie, Kiersten and Allyson for making this reunion happen.  Their love, care, and detective work made this next day reunion possible.  Their actions are a reminder that when a stray is spotted or captured, to always assume first that it could be someone’s lost pet.  As Lost Dogs of America reminds us “Not all stray dogs are homeless … “.

Remember to microchip, register, and keep your contact info updated!

Even if your pet has gone missing and it’s been some time, you might one day get that miracle call!

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Monday Microchip Miracles blog
click here to read other happy reunion tales!

#LoveTagChip YOUR pet.