Prim’s Perilous Trek Back “Home”

This week’s Monday Microchip Miracles story is a departure from our usual specific focus on the role of a microchip as the reason for a pet’s reunion.  

That being said, this week’s lost pet IS microchipped (thanks to the rescue who adopted her out), and had it not been for her tag (which we always suggest accompany a pet being microchipped), she might have ultimately been reunited through her microchip.  

We could not resist sharing this story and believe the double duty of the tag and chip reinforces what is at the heart of our Love Tag Chip challenge which we hope our readers will take and share!


In Spring 2016, the Arizona Border Collie Rescue‘s (AZBCR) President Kelly Quinn learned about a border collie mix that had entered a shelter in Globe, Arizona.  The unconfirmed story is that this two or three year old’s owner died and had resorted to killing chickens to eat so was picked up as a stray.  Kelly pulled the dog to be a part of AZBCR and the dog went to a foster home thanks to volunteer Margaret Burk.

The dog “Prim” was very fearful and shut down, and so experienced foster Margaret began a long and slow process of giving Prim the time and space to come out of her shell and gain trust.

During the first two weeks, Prim primarily stayed in her crate which was covered as an added measure to help her feel safe, coming out only to eat some food and then return back to “safety”.  Slowly she began to discover other areas she determined to be safe.   Over time, Margaret began to block some of these areas off to expand Prim’s perimeter.

One of Margaret’s own dogs, border collie “Stat”, soon became Prim’s buddy.  She would follow Stat to areas that she would not go on her own.

Prim shown in her “signature” paws crossed pose.  All photos and videos provided courtesy of Margaret Burk.

Finally, by July 2016, Margaret decided to bring Prim with her to an adoption event in Flagstaff to see how she would handle the travel and all that comes with an adoption event.  Much to her surprise Prim did GREAT! In fact, a family fell in love with her and applied to adopt.  It wasn’t long before they traveled to pick up Prim to take her to her “forever home”.

Pictures of Prim while being fostered by Margaret.

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So might have been Prim’s “happily ever after” …

The Hike

Fast forward to October 2, 2016.  Prim and family went to Arizona’s Mount Lemmon for a hike. During the hike, the owner tripped and Prim’s leash was dropped, long enough for her to bolt!

Call it “mother’s intuition”, but foster Margaret had JUST reached out to Prim’s owner that morning to check on how things were going with her former foster.  That evening she received the devastating news about Prim’s escape.

It took no time for Margaret to spring into action reaching out in every way imaginable to assist the owner in getting the word out about lost dog Prim.  

Her effort quickly included reaching out to Lisa Ann Donaldson, a former AZBCR foster and who is knowledgeable about the lost dog community through her role as volunteer VP of Lost Dogs Arizona.  

Affectionately referred to as Margaret’s “go to” lady, Lisa Ann sprung into action posting on social media including  a post on Lost Dog’s Arizona’s FB page and shared their “Lost Dog Action Plan” with Margaret who was working to mobilize a network of volunteers as boots on the ground.  These dedicated volunteers printed and heavily distributed and posted missing pet flyers in the area where Prim went missing.

On October 8th a large search party scoured the campground area where she disappeared.

Months passed.  ZERO sightings of Prim!

The Call

While 2016 was a year that ended sadly when it came to Prim’s story, 2017 started off with new hope.

On January 4, AZBCR’s President Kelly received a call from a woman named Carly who lived in a quiet, rural area almost 40 miles from where Prim went missing.  If there was ever the perfect spot for Prim to find her way to, this ranch in the San Manuel area was it.  How Prim had traveled the distance and difficult terrain over the course of 3 months we will never know.

By selecting Carly’s ranch, Prim made a very wise choice.  Turns out that Carly is not new to saving rescues. Apparently dogs are often dumped in her area, and she has come literally “to the rescue” of almost 20 dogs over the years. 

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Carly told Kelly that she had been feeding and providing a safe spot on her porch for the stray she had come to call “Spirit”.  Spirit would return morning and night, hoping to gain the dog’s trust over time.  The dog had a harness on, along with a collar with an ID tag.  Carly finally got close enough that reached out to try to read the tag on the dog’s collar for some contact info.  In doing so, the collar easily slipped off.  Now Carly had a collar with contact info on the tag, but no dog!

Renewed Hope

With the info that Prim was “found” and being fed, Margaret traveled to Carly’s to see if Prim might be rounded up.  She brought Stat with her in hopes that he might help lure her to be caught. 

Foster sibling Stat sending positive vibes for her return at the feeding station

During her visit, Margaret did spot Prim from afar, but she did not come close to feed.  The activity of the visitors may have been enough to keep Prim away, as she did not come for her morning or evening feeding that day.  Yet once Margaret left to return home, Prim once again came for her meal. 

The plan now was for Carly to try to keep Prim coming back to this safe haven complete with food bowl, crate and a “soft” spot to sleep in the way of a heating pad. Over the weeks, Carly remained slow and steady, feeding Prim and gradually moving the food closer to the entry of the home, and then into the house in hopes of capturing her inside.

Suddenly, on January 26, Margaret received a distressing call from Carly, letting her know that Prim hadn’t come to eat for four days … a sudden setback. 

What a Difference a Day Makes

Just one day later, AZBCR received a call from Carly that Prim had returned and, better yet, was captured!  Carly had been able to lure Prim into her house by moving the food bowl ever so slowly and cautiously.  This time, Prim came inside just enough that Carly was able to close the door thus trapping Prim inside!  

Unwilling to risk any chance of Prim getting loose again, Carly committed to keeping Prim inside where she was safe and sound, until Margaret could make the 3 hour drive to pick her up!   

During the next day, Carly shared that Prim was remaining docile (though stinking to high heaven) and even allowed Carly to brush her and clean her up some, removing some spurs and quills.


What must have seemed like an eternity to Margaret, just two days later on January 29th, Margaret made the trip back to Carly’s to be reunited with Prim and bring her home!  

While Prim’s adopter had been kept apprised of the news about her being found, they decided that it would be in Prim’s best interest to remain with Margaret in her former foster, now “new” forever home.  

Prim on her way back to Margaret’s after being reunited.

Just look at the happy reunion photo with Prim, Carly and Margaret.  Even Prim is smiling.

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Margaret can’t be happier to have Prim safe and sound back at what will now be her new permanent home with her fur siblings Stat, Yolo, Pippa, and Tahoe!  She is scheduled for a vet visit today, but seems in amazingly good health and spirits for the unforgiving terrain she had to traverse over a 3 month period.  

Amazingly Prim settled right at Margaret’s just hours after returning.

Prim now in her new forever home with Margaret and, her fur siblings shown below.

Prim’s new family includes (left to right) Stat, Yolo, Tahoe, Pippa) – and Spanky the tortoise serving as a table!

A Loving Bond Indeed

Prim’s entry into Carly’s world resulted in a loving bond as evidenced in this excerpt of a letter she wrote to the rescue:

“… Dear Prim (Spirit – Girl) – Thanks for being such a strong little lady – thanks for your tenacity – thanks for …. much for “keepin” on “keepin” on.  Such a strong ‘critter’ you are!

Lord – Thank you for your protection of this “God’s” creature during her approximate 30 mile trek over the top of a part of the Catalina mountain range – from the beginning, middle and into the end of the cold, Winter 2016 and 2017.  Thank you for allowing this little NEW friend of mine to wind up – at this time – with what certainly must be one of the ‘rare’ – and most definitely AWESOME HAPPY ENDINGS.”

Were it not for Carly’s dedication and resolve to care for and capture “Spirit”, Prim’s happy ending might never have happened.

This video taken of Carly during Margaret’s visit to pick up Prim shares the story of when she reached out to view the tag on Prim’s collar.

While Carly’s “work” is done with Prim, her new friendship has opened her heart to once again bring a dog into her home.  She is hoping to find a bulldog (her favorite!) to adopt.  Word has it, this wish just might be coming true!

Prim’s story not only emphasizes the importance of both microchipping and tagging your pet, but it also is a shining example of how one rescue fully engaged in the process of searching for one of their adopted alumni.  

In the end, it seems that Prim is a very resilient and smart girl, who found the right place and the right time to be “found” by her angel on earth, Miss Carly!

The happy “back home” posting of Prim on, a free database where Lost Dogs Arizona’s postings appear.


Remember to microchip, register, and keep your contact info updated!

Even if your pet has gone missing and it’s been some time, you might one day get that miracle call!

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Monday Microchip Miracles blog
click here to read other happy reunion tales!

#LoveTagChip YOUR pet.